Welcome to my on-line tribute to the London based Chiswick label. Started in 1975 and, under various guises, still going strong to this day, Chiswick put out some of my favorite records ever. Here you'll find an ever growing collection of info, record sleeves, old advertisements and whatever comes to mind. So dig in and enjoy!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Radiators From Space tour sticker


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love your blog. i just discovered it tonight! i love chiswick, one of the coolest labels ever. I dig the damned, radio stars, Sniff'n The Tears The Radiators From Space and all the stuff they put out. All of the bands on that label had such attitude and their own kind of groove. All of the bands they picked became instant
"cult bands", no matter if they were playing hard and heavy music or dreamy FM pop.

A great label. Great blog. I truly love all the hard work you put into this blog.

Timmy in New Orleans, USA

Saturday, June 14, 2008 7:27:00 AM

Blogger Merton said...

Hi , great blog , I like chiswick records , especially Radiators.
If you want a picture of Chiswick compilation relased in Portugal "Som Chiswick" , slight different cover , check my blog :


In Portugal some chiswick records were released , like , Radiators from Space , Little bob story , Sniff'n tears, rocky sharpe and replays.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008 3:46:00 PM

Anonymous Resep Sayur Asem said...

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Sunday, December 12, 2021 5:51:00 PM


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